ok,kali ini gw mau crita ttg sesuatu yg da d blog gw,
gw mau critain legenda dari pada nama blog gw sendiri...
The Headless Knight...
apa sih headless knight itu?
crita yg berasal dari inggris,tentang kesatria yang selalu berperang demi kerajaannya,
karena dia selalu berhasil menebas lawannya,dia selalu haus akan kemenangan,dan haus akan darah...
pada suatu hari dia berperang dan memimpin peperangan itu dan kemudian menang,
tapi,kemenangan itu tidak di sukai oleh seseorangan,yang tidak lain adalah temannya sendiri,
dia berusaha untuk membunuhnya,namun gagal...
pada suatu kejadian perang,sang kesatria menemui lawan yang amat sulit untuk di taklukan,
dia berjuang mati-matian sampai harus mengorbankan seluruh pasukannya sampai tak tersisa,
akhirnya,dia menang,namun itu semua belum selesai...
setelah pertarungan itu,dia semakin sombong,
karena kesombongannya banyak orang yang menaruh dendam padanya...
pada suatu hari ada seorang petani yang mempunyai dendam padanya,
dan mencari tahu mengapa dia selalu tak terkalahkan,
akhirnya,dengan mengendap-endap ke rumah sang ksatria,
si petani tau,bahwa kemenangan sang ksatria di dapat dari persekutuannya dengan setan,
setan yang bernama LUCIFER,atau lebih dikenal sbgai raja neraka...
si petani pun akhirnya tau akan kelemahan sang ksatria,
dan memberitahukan semua apa yg dilihatnya kpda seluruh rakyat,
akhirnya,di culiklah sang ksatria untuk di penggal,
sebelum dia di penggal,dia bersumpah dan mengatakan,
"i'll be back from hell,and kill all of u,without my head"
itulah cerita ttg The Headless Knight,
percaya taw kgak percaya TRSRH...
Diposting oleh mraz di 02.22 1 komentar
Label: creepy story brad...
batu apaan ya???
kita pasti tau ttg batu yg kita sering liat di film-film ini...
nah skrg gw mw ngasih tau pa sih kegunaan nya,
dan apa misterinya...
No place has generated so much speculation and wild theories as the standing stones of Stonehenge. After driving for miles through the rolling hills and plains of the English countryside the sight of this unusual structu
re makes people gasp. A walk around it only provokes more strange feelings. There's a sense that this is something very important. It taunts us with it's mystery. For over 5000 years it has stood silent vigil over the earth. It has been excavated, x-rayed, measured, and surveyed. Yet despite all that has been learned about its age and construction, its purpose still remains one of the great mysteries of the world.
Around 3500 BC the semi-nomadic peoples that populated the Salisbury Plain began to build the monument now known as Stonehenge. The original construction was a circular ditch and mound with 56 holes forming a ring around its perimeter. The first stone to be placed at the site was the Heel Stone. It was erected outside of a single entrance to the site. 200 years later 80 blocks of bluestone was transported from a quarry almost 200 miles away in the Prescelly Mountains. It is surmised that these blocks were transported by way of rafts along the Welsh coast and up local rivers, finally to be dragged overland to the site. These stones were erected forming two concentric circles.
At some point this construction was dismantled and work began on the final phase of the site. The bluestones were moved within the circle and the gigantic stones that give Stonehenge its distinctive look were installed. Some of these massive stones weigh as much as 26 tons! It remains a mystery how such huge stones could have been moved from the quarry at north Wiltshire by a supposedly primitive people.
Reasons behind Construction
Although it’s probably a futile effort, it is sometimes very intriguing to try to understand the motives behind the building of a monument such as Stonehenge. If the builders are somewhat a mystery to us, then their reasons to build Stonehenge are absolutely outside our scope of knowledge; we can only make educated guesses based on assumptions, so there is no way we could say that some idea is better than other. Here comes some thoughts on the subject.
Many researchers have argued, who more convincingly than others, that Stonehenge was a site of religious rites of its time. There are several good reasons behind this assumption, but unfortunately it only takes one aspect of the theory that cannot be proven to collapse the whole train of thought. Remains of pig bones found on the site emphasize the theory of religious site, because no pig skulls were found among the bones. This means that the animals had to have brought to the site ready to cook (=beheaded), which would most likely have been done for the sake of the gods or the clergymen (or both).
This actually doesn't deny the "religious site" scheme (just the opposite), and it is almost as sure as something can be in history that Stonehenge has been used as a site for religious rites at least some point of its history. Now the wild-minded readers may get the impression of brutal human sacrifice rites, and while some evidence have been found to back this, there are no signs of continuous use of megalithic sites as sites for human sacrifice. Animals and such have almost certainly been involved, though. What neither of the previous tell us, is that was religion or sacrifice the initial reason to build Stonehenge, or was it something else? This derives from the fact that no verbal nor written heritage has survived through the times about the ideas and motives of those Neolithic tribes (and of course from the fact, that we cannot go back in time to ask them…).
The facts tying Stonehenge to astronomy aren’t foolproof, but some at least very interesting points have been made in several studies of this topic. Probably the best known study of "astronomical Stonehenge" is Gerald Hawkins’ "Stonehenge Decoded", for which he used a modern computer to calculate all the sightlines (line of sight from one point in Stonehenge to a body of sky via landmarks such as stones) and their relation to objects of sky, mostly the Moon and the Sun, though.
The "modern man" must keep in mind, that things may not be what they first seem to be. Being very close to earth and nature, not much unlike the close-to-nature cults today, the Neolithic Britons might have held objects of the sky as gods, and predicting the will of the gods was something essential to their existence, thus mixing the concepts we distinguish from each other today – religion and astronomy.
Hawkins and also Fred Hoyle stated that not only Stonehenge was used as observatory, it was also used to keep records and predict astronomical events, such as eclipses. Let’s look at these possibilities a little closer.
If those ancient people really thought that the Sun and the Moon are gods, did they build a site where they could observe and worship their gods? There is a good possibility that this is the case, when viewed the characteristics of Stonehenge. For starters, there is a good view to the skies from the middle of the plain, there are no major obstructions to the field of vision, but then again, such is the case in many other places around southern England and Wiltshire, places that might have been more easily maintained and constructed.
According to the studies of other megalithic sites, the circular banks around sites could have been made to smoothen the horizon by elevating it a bit. If this was the case, there is no reason to think that the bank around Stonehenge would have been made for any other reason. On the other hand, this is just an assumption based on other sites that have higher banks around them.
The fact that caused the whole astronomical connection with Stonehenge was the direction of the summer solstice, or the direction of sunrise on the longest day of the year. This direction is almost exactly the same than the direction from the middle of Stonehenge, along the Avenue to the Heel Stone. This causes the image of sun rising behind the Heel Stone on the longest day of the year when observed from the Altar Stone.
Only problem is that there are quite a lot of this kind of sightlines. If one is to use only the Aubrey Holes, with variations of technique a total of over 100 sightlines can be defined. If the point of observation is shifted from the center of the ring to, say next to a sarsen, possible sightlines increase considerably. In fact it would be more amazing, if the sightlines didn’t match with some important astronomical direction.
The big sarsens could also have been used to determine sightlines.
With the astronomical connection, it didn’t require an enormous leap of imagination to think that Stonehenge was used to also predicting events of the night sky. Hawkins and Hoyle developed their own methods to predict lunar eclipses with the construction of Stonehenge, which consisted of record-keeping with the help of the Aubrey Holes and movable marker stones or wooden logs. These theories are quite accurate, and the only flaw with them is the fact that they require rather high degree of astronomical and mathematical knowledge, in conjunction with records covering at least nearly twenty years. These records would have had to be passed without written records (since we assume there are none, because we haven't found any), and a society of high mathematical and astronomical skills without the wisdom of writing… well, let’s just say that it doesn’t add up properly.
If there is one to be made, it is that we don’t know much anything, which is exactly as much as we did know before. Whereas it’s disputable to claim that Stonehenge was used to predict or even observe astronomical events, it is quite obvious that those Neolithic people who started to build Stonehenge did place a great importance to their gods – mainly the Sun and the Moon and if the megalith in the middle of Salisbury Plains wasn’t exactly built for skyworship, it was probably built with certain amount of honoring to the unknown.NGERTI KGAK???
Diposting oleh mraz di 00.37 0 komentar
Label: creepy story brad...
unidentification flying object
brad,belakangan ini di negeri kita indonesia lagi banyak di bahas tentang UFO,apasih itu?
belum ada yang tau pasti,tapi pasti akan di ketahui...
sekarang gw mau ngasih cerita yg gw ambil dari dark-stories.com,
cerita yang ada sangkut paut nya ma UFO,
let's read it...
The Berwyn Mountain Incident, widely referred to as the 'Welsh Roswell' is, next to the Rendlesham Forest Incident of 1980, (referred to as the British Roswell) the world famous and most well known British UFO crash story to date.
Most people who are interested in UFOs will know about the Roswell Incident, in which an alien spacecraft allegedly crashed in New Mexico in 1947. But there have been many other well-documented cases of alleged UFO crashes, and one of these cases is known as the Berwyn Mountains UFO crash, which took place in Wales in January 1974.
At 8.30 PM on 23 January, 1974, a large disc-like craft was seen to fall from the skies over Clwyd in Wales. Dozens of witnesses across Lancashire and Cheshire had phoned the police earlier that evening after seeing a strange formation of green lights flying erratically over the skies of the north-west. At exactly 8.38 PM, something impacted into the Berwyn Mountains in Clwyd,
and the resulting tremor - which measured 4.5 on the Richter Scale - was felt in Wrexham, Chester, Liverpool, Southport, and even in some areas of Greater Manchester.
Police immediately converged on the Berwyn Mountains, expecting to find a crashed passenger jet, but just what they did find has never been divulged. A convoy of army trucks passed through Chester that night and made their way to the epicentre of the crash site, then the army threw a cordon around the area. Even the police and crash investigators were warned off. A nurse who lived near the scene of the impact told a local newspaper that a flying saucer 'the size of the Albert Hall' had smashed into a mountain, throwing debris and bodies for over a mile. She said she walked up to one of the bodies, and realised it wasn't human, but before she could describe what she had seen, the military intervened, and two Ministry of Defence officials ordered her to remain silent about the UFO because her comments 'would constitute a threat to national security and the defence of the realm'.
That nurse has never been seen in the area since, and the news reporter who visited the scene of the alleged crash refused to talk about the incident up until his death in 1979.
In 1980, an electronics engineer named Arthur Adams, who had worked on Concorde, visited the Berwyn UFO crash-site and found strange green coloured pieces of metal embedded in the rocks there. He took samples of the metal to his laboratory and discovered that a sample the size of a 1-inch cube gave off two kilowatts of electricity, when wired up to a volt meter. Mr Adams contacted the Daily Express, and they published a series of articles about the strange find, but the Ministry of Defence stepped in and killed the story.
Today, no one knows what crashed in the Welsh Mountains on that winter night in 1974; some think it was an experimental man-made top secret military aircraft (possibly a prototype Stealth bomber), others think it was an alien craft from another world. If so, what happened to the bodies that were seen scattered all over the mountain after the crash? The case is a real X File...
Diposting oleh mraz di 00.28 0 komentar
Label: unsolved...
apakah emang ada..??
cerita ini masih dari the dark stories,
tentang gua yang memiliki kisah nyata seorang penyihir,
lets read it...
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Located in sleepy Adams, Tennessee is the former location of the John Bell Farm, one of the most famous haunted spots in American History. This sinister case involved spectral creatures, disembodied voices, poltergeist activity and even resulted in the death of John Bell... all at the hands of the infamous Bell Witch.
The legend of the Bell Witch
According to the annals of supernatural history, the story of the Bell Witch started in 1817 when the Bell family, prosperous farmers from Tennessee, began experiencing strange phenomena in their home. First, the house was plagued with knocking and rapping noises and scratching sounds.
Blankets were pulled from beds, family members were kicked and scratched and their hair pulled. Particularly tormented was a 12-year-old Betsy Bell, who was slapped, pinched, bruised and stuck with pins. At first, John Bell was determined to keep the events secret, but soon confided in a friend , who then formed an investigative committee. John Bell's friends soon learned that the strange force in the house had an eerie intelligence.
It soon found a voice and from that day on. . .was seldom silent.
The spirit identified itself as the "witch" of Kate Batts, a neighbors of the Bell's, with whom John had experienced bad business dealings over some purchased slaves. "Kate" as the local people began calling her, made daily appearances in the Bell home, wreaking havoc on everyone there.
People all over the area of soon learned of the witch and she made appearances, in sounds and voices, all over Robertson County.
The ghost became so famous that even General Andrew Jackson decided to visit. He too experienced the antics of the witch and his carriage wheels refused to turn until the witch decided to let them.
John Bell fell victim to bouts of strange illness, to which "Kate" claimed responsibility. While he was sick in bed, the spirit cursed and prodded him, never allowing him to rest. One day, he went to bed and never recovered. He was found senseless in his bed one morning and a strange bottle was found nearby. Bell's breath smelled of the black liquid in the bottle, so a drop of it was placed on the tongue of a cat. . .the animal dropped dead. John Bell soon followed suit and "Kate" screamed in triumph. She even made her presence known at his funeral, laughing, cursing and singing as the poor man was buried.
"Kate" didn't vanish immediately after the death of her proclaimed enemy though. She stayed around, threatening Betsy Bell to not marry the man that she truly loved, Joshua Gardner. The witch would never say why, but she did allow the girl to later marry the local schoolteacher, Richard Powell. "Kate" soon left the family but promised to return in seven years. She did come back and plagued the family again for two weeks. Before departing, she appeared at the home of John Bell Jr. and made a number of predictions that Bell recorded. The warning proved true, reflecting the Civil War and the later World Wars of the next century. "Kate" said that she would return again 107 years later, in 1935, but the year came and went without incident.
Who was the Bell Witch? Was she really a ghost, who claimed to be connected to a living person? Or did the resentment and the hatred of the real Kate Batts create an entity of it's own? Or could the haunting have been poltergeist activity linked to Betsy Bell? No one will ever know for sure. . .but whoever, or whatever, the Bell Witch was, many believe that she has never left Adams, Tennessee at all.
The Bell Witch cave
The sinister Bell Witch Cave lies hidden on the side of a bluff on the former property of the fated John Bell family
Located near where the Bell Farm once stood and near the old family cemetery, where many of the Bell's still rest, is what has become known as the Bell Witch Cave. The cave has no real connection to the legend of the witch but it is located on property once owned by the Bell family. Many in Robertson County believe that when the witch departed, she fled to the sanctuary of this cave. Whether the Bell Witch is here or not.... the cave is a very haunted place.
The former owner of the cave, a man named Bill Edens reported that strange events still went on in the cave and near the home that he had built on the bluff where the cave can be found. The steep incline over the Red River hides a narrow path that leads down to the cave. Strange figures have been reported here and knocking sounds and poltergeist-like events still take place in the house.
The current owners, Chris and Walter Kirby, still open the cave for tourists and they too report that eerie events sometimes take place in the house and in the cave itself. Chris Kirby recalls several occasions when she and visitors in the cave have seen strange apparitions and have heard unexplained sounds, coming from deep in the hidden corners of the cave.
tau kgak brad?gua ini hanya terbuka pda tgl 1 may-31 oktober...
Diposting oleh mraz di 03.34 0 komentar
Label: creepy story brad...
boneka lucu...???
pada tahun 1970-an,terdapat sebuah kasus yang lumayan unik brad,
tapi brad,kasus ini sama seperti kasus yang munkin kita sudah sering denger,
yaitu kasus,amytiville...
cerita ini di kutip dari the dark stories,jadi masih pake bahasa inggris brad,
let's read the story...
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This is a terrifying case of a raggedy Ann doll named Annabelle. The case is from the 1970’s and is highlighted in the book The Demonologist. This is one of the Warrens most asked about cases. The referral came from an Episcopal priest. A somber toned clergyman told Ed Warren of two young nurses who had communicated with what they thought to be a human spirit. One of the girls’ friends had been attacked physically, and the activity was still in progress, so Ed accepted the case. With that the priest gave Ed the phone number of the girls. Ed immediately called the number and upon reaching one of the girls, Ed verified the existence of the problem and told the young women that he and Lorraine were on their way.
Ed and Lorraine Warren arrived at the apartment and the case begins. "Ok girls, I’d like to hear the whole story, Who here can tell me?" "I can" said Donna. "All right, Lou, Angie, please add any details she leaves out," Ed directed.
"There are two stories," Donna said. " One that began earlier in the week with Lou. The other one’s about Annabelle. But I suppose they’re both about Annabelle." "Who’s Annabelle?" Ed promptly asked. "She belongs to Donna, she moves, she acts alive, but no, I don’t think she’s alive. She’s in the living room" said Angie, pointing across the table. There, sitting on the sofa.
" Lorraine looked to her left, into the living room. "Are you talking about the doll?" "That’s right," Angie replied, "the big raggedy Ann doll. "That’s Annabelle, she moves!" Ed got up and walked into the living room to inspect the doll. It was big and heavy, the size of a four-year-old child, sitting with its legs stretched out on the sofa. The black pupil-less eyes stared back at him, while the painted-on smile gave the doll an expression of grim irony. Looking it over without touching the thing, Ed then returned to the kitchen. "Where did the doll come from?" Ed asked Donna.
Annabelle, the haunted doll
"It was a gift" Donna replied, "My mother gave it to me on my last birthday." "Is there some reason why she bought you a doll?" Ed wanted to know. "No. It was just something novel-a decoration" the young nurse answered. "Okay." Ed went on. "When did you first start noticing activity occur?" "About a year ago," replied Donna. "The doll started to move around the apartment by itself. I don’t mean it got up and walked around, or any such thing. I mean when we’d come home from work it would never be quite where we left it." "Explain that part to me a little more" Ed requested. "After I got the doll for my birthday," Donna explained, "I put it on my bed each morning after the bed was made. The arms would be off to its sides and its legs would be straight out-just like it’s sitting there now. But when we’d come home at night, the arms and legs would be positioned in different gestures. For instance, its legs would be crossed at the ankles, or its arms would be folded in its lap. After a week or so, this made us suspicious. So to test it, I purposely crossed its arms and legs in the morning to see if it really was moving. And sure enough, every night when we’d come back home, the arms and legs would be uncrossed and the thing would be sitting there in any of a dozen different postures." "Yeah, but it did more than that," Angie added. "The doll also changed rooms by itself. We came home one night and the Annabelle doll was sitting in a chair by the front door. It was kneeling! The funny thing about it was, when we tried to make the doll kneel, it’d just fall over. It couldn’t kneel. Other times we’d find it sitting on the sofa, although when we left the apartment in the morning it’d be in Donna’s room with the door closed!" "Anything else?" Lorraine asked. "Yes," said Donna. "It would leave us little notes and messages. The handwriting looked to be that of a small child." "What’d the note say?" questioned Ed. "It would say things that meant nothing to us," Donna answered.
Things would be written like HELP US or HELP LOU, but Lou wasn’t in any kind of jeopardy at the time. And who us was-we didn’t know. Still, the thing that was weird was that the notes would be written in pencil, but when we tried to find one, there was not one pencil in the apartment! And the paper it wrote on was parchment. I tore the apartment apart, looking for parchment paper, but again neither of us had any such thing.’’ " It sounds like someone had a key to your apartment and was playing a sick joke on you," Ed stated flatly. "That’s exactly what we thought," said Donna. "So we did little things like put marks on the windows and doors or arrange the rugs so that anyone who came in here would leave a trace that we could see. But never once did it turn out that there was a real outside intruder."
"While the doll was moving around, and we’d become suspicious of burglars, when something else screwy happened." Angie added next. "The Annabelle doll was sitting on Donna’s bed, as was usual. When we came home one night, there was blood on the back of its hand, and there were three drops of blood on its chest!" "God, that really scared us," Donna said frankly. "Did you notice any other kind of phenomena occur in the apartment?" Ed asked them. "One time around Christmas, we found a little chocolate boot on the stereo that none of us had bought. Presumably it came from Annabelle," said Angie. " When did you come to determine there was a spirit associated with the doll?" Lorraine questioned. "We knew something unusual was going on," Donna answered. "The doll did change rooms by itself. It did pose in different gestures, we all saw it, but wanted to know why? Was there maybe some plausible reason why the doll was moving? So Angie and I got in touch with a woman who’s a medium. That was about a month, or maybe six weeks after all this stuff started to happen. We learned that a little girl died on this property," Donna told the Warrens. "She was seven years old and her name was Annabelle Higgins. The Annabelle spirit said she played in the fields long ago before these apartments were built. They were happy times for her. She told us. Because everyone around here was grown-up, and only concerned with their jobs, there was no one she could relate to, except us. Annabelle felt that we would be able to understand her. That’s why she began moving the rag doll. All Annabelle wanted was to be loved, and so she asked if she could stay with us and move into the doll. What could we do? So we said yes." "Wait a minute here," Ed interjected. "What do you mean it wanted to move into the doll? Do you mean it proposed to possess it?" "Right, that was the understanding," Donna replied. "It seemed harmless enough. We’re nurses, you know, we see suffering every day. We had compassion. Anyway, we called the doll Annabelle from that time on." "Did you do anything different with the doll after you learned it was supposedly possessed by a little girl spirit named Annabelle?" asked Lorraine. "Not really," said Donna. "But of course it wasn’t just a doll any more. It was Annabelle. We couldn’t ignore that fact."
"All right, before you go any further, let’s back up a minute," Ed requested. "First you got the doll for you birthday. After a while the doll began to move – or at least change places enough for you to notice it. This made you curious, so you decided to have a séance, and a spirit came across that called itself Annabelle Higgins. This supposed little girl was seven years old and asked if it could come live with you by possessing the toy doll. You said yes, out of compassion. Then you renamed the doll Annabelle. Right?" "Right," said Donna and Angie. Have you seen the ghost of a little girl at any time in this apartment?" Ed asked. "No," both the girls answered. "You also said a chocolate item showed up here once," said Ed. "Has anything else strange ever happened that you couldn’t explain?" "One time a statue lifted up across the room," Donna recalled, "then it tumbled in the air and fell on the floor. None of us were near the statue-it was on the other side of the room. That incident frightened us totally." "Let me ask you something else." Ed went on. "Didn’t you think that maybe you shouldn’t have given the doll so much recognition?" It wasn’t a doll!" Donna corrected him. "It was the spirit of Annabelle we cared about!" "That’s right," said Angie. Ed added "I mean, before you knew anything about Annabelle?" "How were we to know anything?" Donna asked. "But looking back on it now, maybe we shouldn’t have given the doll so much credence. But really, we saw the thing as being no more than a harmless mascot. I t never hurt anything…at least until the other day." "Do you still think what’s moving the doll is the spirit of a little girl?" Lorraine queried. "What else could it be?" Angie said in reply. "It’s a damn voodoo doll, that’s what it is," Lou blurted out. "I told them about that thing a long time ago. The doll was just taking advantage of them…"
"Okay, Lou, I think it’s time you told your side of things, tell them about the dreams," coaxed Angie. "Well," Lou picked up, "The thing gives me bad dreams. Recurrent ones. But yet what I’m going to tell you is not a dream as far as I’m concerned, because I somehow saw this happen to me. The last time it happened I fell asleep at home, a really deep sleep. While I was lying there, I saw myself wake up. Something seemed wrong to me. I looked around the room, but nothing was out of place. But then when I looked down toward my feet, I saw the rag doll, Annabelle. It was slowly gliding up my body. It moved over my chest and stopped. Than it put its arms out. One arm touched one side of my neck, the other touched the other side like it was making an electrical connection. Then I saw myself being strangled. I might as well have been pushing on a wall, because it wouldn’t move. It was literally strangling me to death, I couldn’t help myself, no matter how hard I tried." "Yes, but the priest I spoke with said you’d been attacked?" Ed pressed him. "No," Lou asserted, "That happened here in this apartment when Angie and I were alone together. It was about ten or eleven o’clock at night, and we were reading over maps because I was going off on a trip the next day. Everything was quiet at the time. Suddenly, we both heard sounds in Donna’s room that made us think that someone had broken into the apartment. I quietly got up and tip-toed to the bedroom door, which was closed. I waited until the noises stopped, then I carefully opened the door and reached in and switched on the light. Nobody was in there! Except, the Annabelle doll was tossed on the floor in a corner. I went in alone and walked over to the thing to see if anything unusual had happened. But as I got close to the doll, I got the distinct impression that somebody was behind me. I swung around instantly and, well…."
"He won’t talk about that part," Angie said. "When Lou turned around there wasn’t anybody there, but he suddenly yelled and grabbed for his chest. He was doubled over, cut and bleeding when I got to him. Blood was all over his shirt. Lou was shaking and scared and we went back out into the living room. We then opened his shirt and there on his chest was what looked to be sort a of claw mark!"
"Can I see the mark?" Ed asked.
"It’s gone now," the young man told him. "I saw the cuts on his chest, too," Donna spoke up in support. "How many were there?" Ed asked. "Seven," said Angie. "Three were vertical, four were horizontal." "Did the cuts have any sensation?" Ed queried "All the cuts were hot, like they were burns," Lou told him. "Did you ever have cuts or wounds in the same area of your chest before this incident happened?" questioned Ed. "No," the young man replied. "Did you lose consciousness before or after the attack took place?" "No," again he replied. "How long did it take the wounds to heal?" Lorraine questioned. "They healed up almost immediately," said Lou. "They were half-gone the next day, and fully gone the day after." "Has anything else happened since that time?" asked Ed. "No," came the joint reply. "Who did you first contact after the incident occurred?" "I contacted an Episcopal priest named Father Hegan." Donna told Ed and Lorraine. "Why did you call him instead of a doctor?" Lorraine asked. "Do you think someone off the street would have believed where that claw mark on Lou’s chest came from?" Donna asked rhetorically. "Besides, we agreed the cuts weren’t half as important as how Lou got them. We wanted to know if this was going to happen again. Our problem was who to ask." "Was there some reason why you specifically called on Father Hegan?" Lorraine questioned. "Yes. We trust him," said Donna." He teaches nearby here, at a junior college, plus Angie and I both know him.
"What did you tell the priest?" asked Ed. "The whole story-about Annabelle and how it moved on its own, and especially about Lou’s cuts," Donna replied. "At first we were afraid he might not believe us, but that was no problem, he believed us all right. He said he’d never heard of such a thing happening these days. At the time we were all scared out of our wits, and I asked him what he thought had happened to us. He said he didn’t want to speculate, but he did feel it was a spiritual matter, possibly an important one, and that he was going to contact someone higher up in the Church, a Father Cooke." "That’s what he did," Ed told her. "Did the name Annabelle, or Annabelle Higgins mean anything to you in real life before this incident occurred?" "No," they replied. "Although we never saw anything in here, Lou said he felt a presence in the room before he got hurt… there is something in here," Angie stated firmly. "In fact, I can’t stand to be here. We have decided to get a new apartment. We’re moving out!" "I’m afraid that’s not going to help very much," Ed said dryly. "What do you mean?" Donna asked, astonished. "To put it in a nutshell, you inadvertently brought a spirit into this apartment-and into your lives. You’re not going to be able to walk away from it that easily."
After a long minute, Ed spoke again. "We’re going to help you, beginning right now. Today. First thing I’d like to do is call Father Cooke and have him come over here." Ed had no trouble getting hold of the Episcopal priest who had been waiting for his call. "All right," Ed said "when Father Cooke comes here, he’s going to have to perform a sort of blessing, an … exorcism of the premises. "I knew it!" Lou proclaimed. "I knew it would lead to this." "Yes, I think you did," Ed told him "but I’m not sure any of you know the reason why. To begin with, there is no Annabelle! There never was. You were duped. However, we are dealing with a spirit here. The teleportation of the doll while you were out of the apartment, the appearance of notes written on parchment, the manifestation of three symbolic drops of blood, plus the gestures the doll made are all meaningful. They tell me there was intent, which means there was an intelligence behind the activity. But ghosts, human spirits, plain and simply can’t bring on phenomena of this nature and intensity. They don’t have the power. Instead, what has happened is something inhuman has taken over here. Demonic." Ed told them. "Ordinarily people aren’t bothered by inhuman demonic spirits, unless they do something to bring the force into their lives. Your first mistake was to give the doll recognition, that is the reason why the spirit moved into the doll to, draw attention to itself. Once it had your attention, it exploited you, it simply brought you fear and even injury. Inhuman spirits, enjoy inflicting pain, it’s negative. Your next mistake was calling in a medium," Ed went on. "The demonic has to somehow get your permission to interfere in your life. Unfortunately, through your own free will, you gave it that permission.
"Then the doll is possessed?" questioned Donna. "No, the doll is not possessed. Spirits don’t possess things, spirits possess people," Ed informed her. "Instead, the spirits simply moved the doll around and gave it the illusion of being alive. Now, what happened to Lou earlier this week" Ed proceeded, "was bound to occur sooner or later. In fact, you all were in jeopardy of coming under possession by this spirit, this is what the thing was really after. But Lou didn’t believe in the charade, so he was an ongoing threat to the entity. There was bound to be a showdown. Had the spirit been given another week or two, you might have been killed." Ed calmly concluded. "There is only one entity involved, but its behavior is completely unpredictable." said Lorraine.
When Father Cooke arrived, the interview session ended in the kitchen, Ed was eager to have the house blessed, remove the doll, and return home. Once the preliminary greetings were out of the way, Ed told the priest, that in his judgment, the spirit responsible for the malicious activity was inhuman, and still in the apartment, and the only way it could be made to leave was through the power of the words written in the exorcism-blessing. "I’m not totally familiar with demonology," admitted Father Cooke. "how do you know such a spirit is behind the disturbance?" "Well, in this case, it wasn’t all that difficult to determine." Ed said frankly. "These spirits work in characteristic ways. What’s going on here is essentially the infestation stage of the phenomenon. A spirit, in this case an inhuman demonic spirit, began moving the doll around the apartment through teleportation and other means. Once it aroused the girls’ curiosity which was the spirit’s purpose in moving the doll-they made the predictable mistake of bringing a medium in here, who took matters a step further. She told them, in the trance state, that a little girl spirit named Annabelle was moving the doll. Communicating through the medium, the entity preyed on the girls’ emotional vulnerabilities, and during the séance managed to extract permission from them to go about its business. Insofar as demonic is a negative spirit, it then set about causing patently negative phenomena to occur; it aroused fear through the weird movements of that doll, it brought about the materialization of disturbing handwritten notes, it left a residue of blood on the doll, and ultimately it even struck the young man, Lou, on the chest leaving a bloody claw mark. Beyond the activity, Lorraine has also discerned that this inhuman spirit is with us now. Lorraine’s an excellent clairvoyant, and she’s never been wrong about the nature of a spirit that’s present. However, if you want to go a step further, we can challenge the entity right now with religious provocation?"
In this case, the recitation of the exorcism-blessing took the priest about five minutes to perform. The Episcopal blessing of the home is a wordy, seven page document that is distinctly positive in nature. Rather than specifically expelling evil entities from the dwelling, the emphasis is instead directed toward filling the home with the power of the positive and of God. There was no trouble or mishap during the procedure. When he was finished, the priest the blessed the individuals who were present, and after doing so, declared all was well. Lorraine also confirmed that the apartment and people were free from the spirit entity. Ed and Lorraine’s work was done, they then took their leave and started for home. At Donna’s request, and as a further precaution against the phenomena ever occurring in the home again, the Warrens took the big rag doll along with them. Placing Annabelle in the back seat of the car, Ed decided it was safer to avoid traveling on the interstate, in case the entity had not been separated from the rag doll. His hunch was correct. In no time at all, Ed and Lorraine felt themselves the object of vicious hatred. Then, at each dangerous curve in the road, their new car began to stall, causing the power steering and breaks to fail. Repeatedly the car verged on collision. Of course, it would have been easy to stop and throw the doll into the woods. But if the item didn’t simply "teleport" back to the girls’ apartment, at the least it would place anyone who found it in jeopardy.
The third time the car stalled along the road, Ed reached into his black bag, took out a vial, and threw a sprinkling of holy water on the rag doll, making the sin of the cross over it. The disturbance in the car stopped immediately, allowing the Warrens to reach home safely.
For the next few days, Ed sat the doll in a chair next to his desk. The doll levitated a number of times in the beginning, then it seemed to fall inert. During the ensuing weeks, however, it began showing up in various rooms of the house. When the Warrens were away and had the doll locked up in the outer office building, they would often return to find it sitting comfortably upstairs in Ed’s easy chair when they opened the main front door.
It also turned out that Annabelle came with a "friend", a black cat, who would occasionally materialize beside the doll. The cat would stalk once around the floor, taking particular notice of books and other objects in Ed’s office; then return to the doll’s side, and dematerialize from the head down.
It also became apparent that Annabelle hated clergymen. During the follow-up process of the case, it was necessary for the Warrens to consult the Episcopal priests associated with the incident in the young nurses’ apartment. Returning home alone one evening, Lorraine was terrified by loud, rolling growls that reverberated throughout the house. Later, when she was listening to the playback of the telephone answering machine, they were back to back calls from Father Hagen. Between his two calls was heard the incredible growling noises she’d heard earlier in the house. One day Father Jason Branford, Catholic exorcist, had been working with Ed and asked about the new addition to the office-Annabelle. Ed told Father Jason about the case and gave him the paperwork for his review. After hearing Ed’s account of want had happened, the priest picked up the rag doll and said "You’re just a rag doll, Annabelle. You can’t hurt anything." The priest then tossed the stuffed figure back on the chair. "That’s one thing you better not say again," Ed warned him with a laugh. Yet when Father Jason stopped to say goodbye to Lorraine an hour later, she pleaded that he be especially careful driving, and insisted that he call her just as soon as he arrived at the rectory. "I discerned tragedy for that young priest," says Lorraine, "but he had to go his way." A few hours later the telephone rang. "Lorraine" said Father Jason, "why did you tell me to be careful driving?" "Because," she told him, "I felt your car would go out of control, you would have an accident." "Well, you were right," he stated flatly. "The brake system failed. I was almost killed in a traffic accident. My car is a wreck."
Later in the year, at a large social gathering at the Warrens’ home, Lorraine and Father Jason went into the den to chat for a few moments. By a strange coincidence, Annabelle had moved into that room the day before. While speaking with Lorraine, the priest saw an ornamental wall decoration make a quick movement. Suddenly, the twenty-four inch long Boar’s tooth necklace above them exploded with percussive force. Hearing this stunning noise, the other guests immediately converged on the room, at which time someone in the crowd had the foresight to snap a photograph. When developed, the print appeared normal, except above the doll were two beacons of bright light, both pointing in the direction of Father Jason Bradford.
"On another occasion," Ed recounts, "I was in my office, working with a police detective on a case that concerned a witchcraft related murder in the area. As a cop he’s seen every kind of crime, he’s definitely not the sort of man who gets scared. While we were talking, Lorraine called me upstairs to take a long distance call. I told the detective he was free to look around my office, but to be careful and not touch any of the objects, because they’d come from cases where the demonic had been invoked. Well, I wasn’t away for five minutes when upstairs came this detective stark white. When I asked him what had happened, he refused to tell me," Ed remembers, breaking into a grin. "He just kept mumbling ‘The doll, the rag doll is real….’ He was talking about Annabelle of course. That little doll made a believer out of him! In fact, as I think back on it, any meetings I’ve had with the detective from that day on have always been in his office."
"Profane objects like the Annabelle doll have their own aura. When you touch them, your human aura mingles with theirs. This change attracts spirits, it’s almost like setting off a fire alarm. Therefore, for protection, I bless myself with holy water then ‘bless’ the rag doll with holy water in the sign of the cross. Like I say when we’re doing field work I’ve never met an atheist in a haunted house."
It’s difficult for people to accept the existence of something they’ve been conditioned not to believe in. Still, lack of knowledge allowed this negative spirit to wrangle it way into the lives of these three unwary young people. Many, nevertheless, contend that the notion of spirits is irrational or unfounded. They say the phenomenon is an illusion, or a hallucination, or it doesn’t exist at all. At best, the activity can be explained away by science. Or can it?
gmna brad?menurut lo,lucu kgak boneka nya....
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Diposting oleh mraz di 03.08 0 komentar
Label: creepy story brad...
agar laptop tetap top...
Notebook atau yang biasa kita sebut “laptop”, perlu mendapatkan perawatan yang lebih ekstra agar kondisinya tetap terjaga. Apalagi bagi pengguna yang sering berada di luar ruangan, dan sering terkena panas matahari, debu bahkan air. Kalau ga dirawat dengan baik tentu aja laptop yang top hanya bisa bertahan beberapa bulan saja. Berikut tip-tipnya :
1. Membersihkan Keyboard
Kibor laptop merupakan bagian yang paling sering kotor. Entah itu dari minyak yang berminyak, remah-remah biskuit, abu rokok, maupun debu. Cara membersihkan cukup mudah, ambil kuas dan sapukan ke sela-sela tombol untuk mengeluarkan kotoran. Namun, kamu bisa menggunakan vacuum cleaner portabel yang banyak tersedia di toko-toko aksesoris komputer dan biasanya berkoneksi USB. Bersihkan permukaan tombol kibor dengan kain yang dibasahi cairan pembersih kaca. Gunakan proteksi pelindung kibor untuk mencegah kotoran. Harganya murah kok. Sekitar 50 ribu doank.
2. Mengelap Layar
Jangan sembarangan menggunakan cairan pembersih pada layar, gunakanlah pembersih kaca. Semprotkan pada kain yang halus dahulu baru kemudian melapnya pada layar laptop. Karena jika langsung menyemprotkannya pada layar LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) maka akan membuat belang. Cara membersihkannya pun ada aturan. Bersihkanlah dengan satu arah, misalnya dari kiri ke kanan, atau dari atas ke bawah. Dan ingat, jangan menekannya terlalu keras.
3. Hindari Panas Matahari
Ingat, jangan meninggalkan notebook di dalam mobil, karena selain mengundang orang untuk mencurinya, mobil yang diparkir di bawah panas matahari akan meningkatkan suhu di dalam mobil dan dampaknya bisa merusak komponen-komponen laptop.
4. Menghindari Goresan
Jauhkan notebook dari benda-benda yang tajam. Usahakan menaruh lapisan pelindung berupa kain atau busa sebelum menutup laptop. Karena tombol keyboard yang keras, bisa merusak monitor si laptop. Dan jika ingin bepergian, sebaiknya gunakanlah tas khusus notebook. Karena tas ini biasanya didesain untuk keamanan notebook itu sendiri. Biasanya terdapat beberapa sekat yang dapat membuat aman notebook dari goresan dan tekanan.
5. Case Cemerlang
Tangan yang kotor dan berminyak bisa membuat case notebook tak secemerlang ketika kita membelinya dulu. Untuk membersihkannya, kita bisa menggunakan deterjen tanpa zat alkalin yang dicampur dengan air. Atau kalau ga mau repot pakai aja pembersih multiguna yang biasa digunakan peranti elektronik. Dan biasanya isinya berupa busa. Semprotkan ke kain lap lembut, kemudian gosok secara perlahan permukaan case.
6. Hindari Medan Magnet
Demi keamanan data dalam laptop, sebaiknya hindarkan dari benda-benda yang mengandung medan magnet / elektromagnetik yang kuat dari sekitar laptop. Contoh peranti yang mengandung magnet kuat misalnya spiker yang tidak berpelindung (unshielded speaker system) atau bisa juga telepon selular (ponsel). Kalau Anda ingin mengakses internet menggunakan ponsel melalui infrared, letakkan ponsel dalam jarak sekitar 15 cm dari laptop.
7. Menyimpan Notebook
Bila Anda akan menyimpan notebook dalam waktu yang lama, sebaiknya lepaskan baterai dan simpan dalam tempat yang sejuk dan kering, serta bersirkulasi udara cukup baik. Letakkan silikon gel untuk menghindari jamur. Begitu ingin menggunakannya kembali, setrum baterai dengan cara mengisi dan mengosongkan sepenuhnya sebanyak tiga kali berturut-turut.
Diposting oleh mraz di 06.39 0 komentar
Label: tips dri gw